Map Seeds

This page is dedicated to map seeds. Feel free to add any seed you wish however please give a brief description of what the seed is like, and if possible please add an image or two of the landscape. If you feel your seed could fit under multiple tables, please make an argument why before adding it to multiple tables.

Village Seeds

Seeds that spawn you near villages.

Seed Description
Pryostatis and Drwaddy Spawn near 3 villages fairly close.
AWHOLENEWWORLD Beached pirate ship on one side (epic sized) & village

Landscape Seeds

Seeds that have amazing landscape or biome configurations nearby.

Seed Description
ReptohealthSCR Spawn near a desert, snowy plains and redwood forest.
-3918056455435396011 At x:204 z:143 scenic venue for house near many starting materials.

Dungeon Seeds

Seeds that contain wonderful dungeon configurations

Seed Description
AWHOLENEWWORLD Beached pirate ship on one side (epic sized) & village
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